Share your thoughts

Monday, November 2, 2009
This blog is really intended to start a conversation on how the world will look as we get on the path of continuously reducing carbon consumption in our life - whether the consumption is through plastic toys made from petrochemicals, gas to heat our homes, petrol to run our vehicles or electricity to run this laptop.

It seems to me the consensus is building that we have to get on this path. We are reaching or the tipping point where we will begin a large scale action. It may take the form of smart grid, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, solar heating - you name it. It is not this method or that, or here or there. It is everywhere. We all are participants - young and old, rich and poor, closer and farther....

This next few years will be bumpy, exciting, and in the end good for all of us. We will think lot more about our relationship to the environment and to each other.

Lets take this opportunity to make a serious effort to build a sustainable world.

What are you thinking? What are talking? What are planning?

Share your best ideas so that we can all benefit.



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