Shipping industry gets moving

Friday, November 27, 2009
I came across this interesting two-month old posting by David Hone, Shell on how shipping industry is reacting. Realizing that their emissions will be included in the discussion, they are moving to stave off tougher regulations/mandates. They are setting up a private trading system exclusively for shipping-related emissions. I am not a strong believer in industry self-governance but it is an interesting question as to what makes shipping-related carbon market different from others? Should each industry be allowed to setup its own system?

David Hone
Climate Change Advisor for Shell

Hello and welcome to my blog. There's lots said about why climate change now confronts us, and what it means, but the real issue is what to do about it. Plenty is said about that too, but there's not enough discussion on the practical aspects of implementation. Focusing on energy, that's what my blog sets out to achieve
Shipping makes a move
The announcement comes in the form of a discussion document released by the British, Australian, Belgian, Norwegian and Swedish ship owners associations. The document clearly outlines the issue and challenges, spells out the advantages of a trading approach and then outlines two different constructions for a possible system. At this stage the document doesn’t discuss the scale of reductions, but I don’t think that is important right at this moment. Rather, the industry is taking a major step into the policy arena with a view to charting its own course foward (pun intended, sorry).


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