
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I will be away for a month (traveling abroad) but will be back to continue chronicling the journey.

Some observations so far:

1. I am seeing greater amount of involvement every single day from the financial industry (pension funds, insurance, banks, exchanges). I blogged extensively about this. I believe that they already changing the dynamics.

2. The progress on the technology front is a lot more diffused and unclear. In particular, I am beginning to have doubts about EVs primarily due to extremely limited availability of cruicial raw materials (Li). You cant build a trillion dollar industry around rare earths metals.

3. A big chunk of the low carbon economy will be regulation driven (cap-n-trade, EU ETS etc). Looks like the financial crisis has postponed cap-n-trade bill in the US by a year or two but local initiatives at state and city-level are proceeding at full steam.

4. The news on the climate change gets worse by the day. Even sticking to 450PPM of CO2 may not be enough to prevent 3+ centigrade rise in global temperature. We may be looking at a violent 21st century.


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